Mediation For Family Law, Child Custody & Divorce Mediation
Mediation is an alternative to court litigation designed to provide couples in New Jersey with a friendlier, less costly way to resolve their divorce or family law matter. When two parties decide to mediate, it means that a neutral third party, called a “mediator,” will be there to help the couple work through their divorce or family law dispute and reach a settlement that both sides find acceptable.
Is family law or divorce mediation right for your situation? Our Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC mediation team have put together the following resources to help you better understand the role of a mediator, the mediation process in New Jersey and the benefits mediation can provide for your divorce or family law matter.
About Mediation
Divorce? Child Custody issues? Learn why mediation is growing in popularity in New Jersey as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process among couples who wish to resolve their legal disputes without the time, cost or stress typically involved with court litigation. Learn what mediation is and find out how it can help with resolving your divorce or family matter in a low conflict way.
Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation could help you have a low conflict divorce. Mediation used in divorce can be far superior to litigation. Divorce mediation encourages collaboration and creative problem-solving of family issues. The New Jersey divorce mediation process can be highly flexible resulting in a friendlier outcome for all. Find out about Divorce Mediation.
Child Custody Mediation
Child custody mediation can help you negotiate custody and parenting time plans. Using the mediation process in times of divorce to resolve parenting issues can prevent many potential negative consequences for children of divorcing families. Mediation for child custody matters can help you to separate peacefully and also preserve your ability to co-parent children effectively. Find out about Mediation for Child Custody.
Our Mediation Services
When you hire a Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC mediator, you can have peace of mind knowing that the person helping you to resolve your legal disputes is highly trained and skilled in divorce and family law. Find out more about what sets our NJ mediation services apart.
Preparing for Mediation – Checklist
What documents and other records should you have on hand as you enter mediation? Here’s a handy list of personal and financial information commonly requested during the mediation process.
Considering mediation in New Jersey?
Request an initial consultation from one of our skilled mediators. Weinberger Mediation Center. There is no substitute for experience.
Private Mediation
Mediation can be either private or court-ordered. Find out the differences between the two, and what it means for resolving your divorce or family law matter..
Mediating Post-Judgment Issues
Mediation is often helpful for resolving post-divorce and post-judgement issues, including child custody, child support, spousal support disputes and other matters where modifications of the original agreement are desired. Find out if mediation is a viable option to settle your post-divorce dispute.