Why Choose Our Divorce Mediation Services
Hiring A Divorce Mediator With Legal Authority Makes a Difference
In order for divorce mediation to be a success, it’s critical to hire the right mediator. We offer one very simple reason why we think it’s best to hire a divorce attorney to serve as your mediator:
Divorce attorneys know family law.
In New Jersey, it’s an unfortunate fact that no license or certification is required by the state for someone to call themselves a divorce mediator. This translates into people hanging out their shingles and offering mediation services when they have only a very limited knowledge of New Jersey law.
As part of the mediation process, mediators can not dispense legal advice, meaning mediators can’t tell you what to do or render a verdict like a judge. Mediators, however, can — and should — be able to explain to you the legal ramifications of certain choices regarding crucial matters in your settlement, including child custody, division of marital assets, and child and spousal support.
Here are some common issues couples may encounter during the divorce process that make having a divorce attorney/mediator indispensable:
When matters of child support or alimony are in dispute, the intricate formulas New Jersey uses to calculate support awards can be confusing for anyone unaccustomed to them. Unlike people from non-legal career backgrounds who become mediators, our attorney/mediators at Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC have direct experience working with New Jersey’s support guidelines and are able to discuss choices and options regarding these issues in a knowledgeable way.
Regarding matters of asset division, an attorney/mediator is trained in applying New Jersey’s Equitable Distribution law. A mediator with a background in social work or psychotherapy typically does not have the same level of savvy and experience with such issues as real estate valuations, dividing stock portfolios, and making choices concerning retirement and life insurance policies.
Divorce attorneys may know better than any other profession the traumatic impact of a child custody matter and the need to settle these cases quickly and efficiently. As an experienced divorce negotiator or litigator in these matters, an attorney/mediator can be more emotionally and practically prepared to brainstorm child custody solutions. A mediator with a financial planner or accountant background, for example, may not have been through nearly the same number of child custody matters as a divorce attorney. This experience matters.
Considering mediation in New Jersey?
Request an initial consultation from one of our skilled mediators. Weinberger Mediation Center. There is no substitute for experience.
The Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Difference
Hiring one of our attorneys to act as your mediator means working with someone who is highly knowledgeable and skilled in all aspects of divorce, no matter how involved and intricate your issues. Our attorneys are experienced mediators who understand their role in facilitating the process so that couples can reach a fair and equitable settlement in as fast, friendly and efficient a manner as possible.
From alimony to division of assets, child custody, and child support, both parties will receive personal assistance in developing specific resolutions that address each of their family issues. Our mediators know how to focus on opening the lines of communication so each party can have his or her fair say. Our mediators have also earned well-deserved reputations as strong listeners and creative problem solvers who always do their best to encourage positive attitudes from all participants.
To learn more about divorce mediation and the advantages of hiring Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC to serve as your divorce mediator, please don’t hesitate to give contact us for an initial consultation. We’re here to help.