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Divorce Mediation up Close and Personal: Derek and Stacey Case Study, Part V
In the last installment of our continuing mediation case study series, Derek and Stacey completed their second divorce mediation session. There were a few tense moments, but with the help of their mediator, Ms. Smith, they were able to establish a temporary parenting schedule for their children. They arrive at mediation session number three ready to examine their assets and debts. After this they plan to look at their individual incomes and expenses going forward, and consider the impact of the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines.
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What is a Mediation “Caucus”?
In installment IV of our ongoing mediation case study, we saw Derek and Stacey participate in a “caucus” when their child custody discussion became heated. If you are considering mediation in your own divorce case, you might be wondering exactly what a caucus is, and when it is most likely to be appropriate in mediation. Read more
Divorce Mediation Up Close and Personal – Derek and Stacey, Part IV
Setting Ground Rules in Divorce Mediation
One thing people wonder about a lot when it comes to divorce mediation is what actually happens during the sessions. Here at the Weinberger Mediation Center, we’ve been giving you an inside picture with our ongoing series about Stacey and Derek, a divorcing couple going through mediation. To help you gain an even better understanding of what happens in mediation, we’re going to pause from their story now and then to take a closer look at certain aspects of the process. For example, we saw that in their first session, the mediator made an introductory statement that included a review of the mediation “ground rules.”
So what exactly are ground rules, and why do they exist? Read more
Divorce Mediation up Close and Personal – Derek and Stacey, Part III
Divorce Mediation up Close and Personal – Derek and Stacey, Part II
Divorce Mediation up Close and Personal – Derek and Stacey, Part I
What is it really like to have your divorce mediated? For 2015, we are presenting something new in the mediation blog – a case study following one couple’s journey through divorce mediation from the very first steps to the ultimate resolution of their case. Today, in Part I, we will meet our divorcing couple, Stacey and Derek, and take a look at their marital situation and their decision to divorce. Read more
5 Tips For Making Your Mediation Session A Success
You hired a family law mediator and set the first meeting date. Now what? Here are five ways to make sure mediation sessions fulfill their purpose of helping you and your spouse arrive at divorce settlement terms both of you consider fair and equitable. Trying to resolve your divorce with a minimum wrangling and discord? Here’s how to make the divorce mediation process work for you: Read more
Domestic Violence or Abuse and Divorce Mediation
Is mediation ever appropriate when a couple has experienced domestic violence or abuse?
Some mediators would unequivocally say no. Mediation assumes that parties will keep each other’s best interests in mind and seek solutions that provide maximum benefit to both. Abuse creates a serious power imbalance and implies that an abuser is unwilling or unable to place any importance on the needs and wants of the other party.
This response is not entirely satisfactory, however, because it leaves an abused party with litigation as the only alternative. Is this really better? Read more
Child Custody Mediation: Some Common Concerns and a Checklist
When is mediation a good vehicle for attempting resolution of these kinds of issues? Read more